Category: Content Marketing

2023 outlook: Big Tech ≠ B2B tech

Dog looking joyful in the snow.

While a heavy snow was coming down around me. I was worried about transportation, electricity, and structures that we rely on. My dog just wanted to play in the stuff. That crystalized something for me.

Emotional Multitasking, year three (or 13, or 30)

Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine. People were dying and suffering. I did not listen deeply to the news for the first few days. I had a good picture of what was happening, I thought. When I finally did read up, I discovered my assumptions were wrong. I did not know what was happening.  But I had… Read more »

Developers: What do you like in docs? What do you hate?

Hey team! We are curious, here in July 2020, about software and code documentation. Actually, we have always been curious about docs. Today, we are curious what YOU think about documentation. What do you like in docs? What do you hate? We would love your input and to be able to follow up with you…. Read more »

How a startup can market to the enterprise

A robot visits and old west town.

Innovation comes from startups and growth companies. When the buyer is in an enterprise company, how do you make sure you’re speaking their language?

Obsolescence and Endurance

Mechanical printing device

Moving a bunch of books and the like around the other day, I came across an old copy of Cabinet Magazine dated Spring 2006. Cabinet is a delightfully eclectic quarterly I pick up from time to time.  I had not read this issue all the way through and fell upon an article by Sam Burton that… Read more »

Technology Writers as Snowballs

People running and playing in snow, watched from a ship

And you want to hire the biggest snowball. The other day I got a new netbook computer, an Asus Eeepc.  Philip, my fellow Word Lion, saw the picture I snapped and posted to Facebook.  We then had a gleeful exchange as we both ranged around the Internet looking for new applications and operating systems for… Read more »

Landing Pages – To Register or Not to Register

Man refusing letter from another man

We know from experience that creating a good white paper is a real investment. The company very naturally wants to get a return on that investment, usually in the form of sales leads.  In an effort to create leads, many companies distribute white papers off their websites through a registration process. All over the web,… Read more »