People running and playing in snow, watched from a ship

Technology Writers as Snowballs

And you want to hire the biggest snowball.

The other day I got a new netbook computer, an Asus Eeepc.  Philip, my fellow Word Lion, saw the picture I snapped and posted to Facebook.  We then had a gleeful exchange as we both ranged around the Internet looking for new applications and operating systems for this new toy, er I mean tool.  With Philip’s help I landed on a great OS, upgraded the hardware, and installed some groovy applications – some of which we needed to tweak a bit to run on the platform.

How does this make us better technical writers?

Since we have both spent a lifetime elbow-deep in computers, a project like this goes very smoothly.  We have already seen similar situations and can apply our knowledge to the new challenge.  It is a snowball effect.  All that netbook tweaking was a new layer on the outside of our already imposing technical knowledge snowballs.

Curiosity is at the core of the Word Lions value.  When a we face a new project, we want to learn what the technology does and how it does it.  We want to know how people use it and what it does for them. Because of our decades of geekdom, we catch on rapidly.  We are both as much geek as scribe.

When you are looking for someone to write your documentation,

you need more than just someone who can conjugate. You need someone who gets your product and can explain it to your customers. We don’t shy away from your technical information.  Based on your project needs, we will help you to draw out the significant message that your customers are looking for.

Drop us a line. We would love to talk about how cool your technology is and how we can bring that message to your customers.